January 7, 2011 - January 6, 2012

Monday, July 25, 2011

Photo of the Day - Day 200

Wow, I can hardly believe I made it to DAY 200!!!!

This challenge has been much harder than I thought it would be when I started, but so much more enjoyable than I thought it would be too. :)

This little photo blog has made me:
-look at my day differently by seeing things I would not normally have seen before - not allowing the little things pass me by like they may have before I started this blog
-use my camera everyday and having it with me all the time :)
-capture a piece of my life through this photo blog and some very important events, occasions etc..something I will be able to look back on when this little 365 challenge is complete (165 more days to go)
-realize how fast time flies by (200 days went by in a flash) and how important it is to take a moment to reflect each day and really take it all in.

So to celebrate my 200th day, "my photo of the day" is of a tiny celebratory cake! So happy I made it this far in this 365 challenge :)


  1. Way to go Jode! Proud of you :) I hope the cake was yummie it looks delish.. Let me know when the next milestone cake is needed!!

  2. Thanks Jac, I actually didn't eat it but I loved what it symbolized :) Thanks girl, I can only imagine what type of cake you would make for day 300, I will place my order with you early :) Thanks for all your support and praise, you are awesome! :)
