January 7, 2011 - January 6, 2012

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Photo of the Day - Day 33

It snowed all day today, a really beautiful soft snow.  I was supposed to go see my baby nephew today on his "real" birthday but he was going to his Nana's house for noodles.  So instead of pics of my cutie nephew I took some other pics:

I am in a Survivor Challenge at work, I haven't seen the show in years but there was one spot left so I decided to sign up. Sounds like fun and last round was great to see everyone so into the game.
Here is the girl I drew from the envelope, I will cheer for her and hope she takes home the big prize, then I will win a big prize too :)

Everyone got their own pic to post on their cube wall

Here is a pic from the 4th floor of my building, (my cube is on the 4th floor)..it looked really neat with the dim lights so I thought I would snap a pic as I was leaving the office.

                                View from the 4th floor of Jean Canfield Building

Then as I was walking to my car I saw two pretty trees covered in snow and thought I would take a pic of each:


  1. Something about the Jean Canfield photo that reminds me of Escher's drawing of Relativity. Love the last photo of the early evening, snow covered tree.

  2. Thanks Georgina, glad you like the pics :) Yes I am not sure what I think when I see the JCB pic, it really is a unique bldg :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Everytime I'm on the bottom floor of JCB and look up, I think of prison's that you see in movies with all the cells lined up along the outside walls, and nothing in the middle. Strange, I know, but that's what it reminds me of.

  5. Hey, never thought of it that way before..but yeah you are right. I like the building but originally they were going to have plants all over but there is only 8% humidity in the building so sadly that didn't work out as planned :(
