January 7, 2011 - January 6, 2012

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Photo of the Day - Day 132

Today it was so nice to see the sun shining....we missed it so much!  Took Deuce for a walk tonight with just a thin winter coat...almost can go with a spring coat but the wind can sometimes be harsh so I try to dress warmer just in case.

Tonight I worked on some FYN and IPAC stuff. We are having our IPAC-PEI AGM on June 1st so I was putting the finishing touches on the poster.  Denise Amyot is coming to speak to our Executive committee and also is going to do a presentation during our luncheon. Can't wait to see her, @damyot is amazing and she truly inspires me with all that she does - she is incredible!  We are extremely grateful that she is able to join us for our IPAC-PEI AGM as I know her schedule is very busy.

Here is a photo of the poster I created. I could have just uploaded the poster to this blog but that wouldn't have counted as my photo of the day, unless I actually took the picture :)

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